Thursday 21st July 2022
The dissemination event will be hosted at the same date as the NDA supply chain event.
DIT is planning to have a room available at NDA event for UK companies to join. Matt Ashworth, commercial counsellor for DIT China, will join the room in person to host and give the opening remarks. DIT will use Zoom (online platform) for other participants to join. Simultaneous interpretation is provided.
They will also offer presentation opportunities for UK companies who want to showcase their capabilities on decommissioning, waste management, and transportation.
“Feasibility Study on Sino-UK Cooperation in Nuclear Facility, Decommissioning, Waste Management and Transportation”. Attached please find a copy of the report. The report introduces China’s current development on decommissioning, waste management, and transportation, and also the potential opportunities for UK-China collaboration. DIT and CNEA is going to host a dissemination event to launch the report on 21st July 2022.