Copenhagen Atomics, UK and National Nuclear Laboratory have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further advance the study of molten salt technology.

National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and Copenhagen Atomics (CA) are collaborating in defining what research and development (R&D) commitments, scope and activities would be required to deploy a Thorium Molten Salt criticality test in the UK.

CA brings to the table its state-of-the-art full-size working non-active prototype reactor and leadership in energy transformation. Meanwhile, NNL provides a unique set of world-leading skills and facilities to progress the advancement of all types of reactor technologies for the UK.

Together, Copenhagen Atomics and NNL aim to collaborate on a range of initiatives, including:

  • Knowledge sharing across companies on skills to underpin verification including chemical, engineering and nuclear design of thorium and molten salt reactor designs.
  • Review of NNL R&D support to CA.
  • Development and maintenance of ANT skills and capabilities within NNL and UK.

Mads Steenberg, CEO, at Copenhagen Atomics, said:

“We are thrilled to embark on this exciting journey with the National Nuclear Laboratory. By combining our technological expertise with NNL’s industry insights, we are confident that we can deliver unparalleled value to future generations and drive meaningful impact in the energy market and nuclear industry.”


About Copenhagen Atomics:
Copenhagen Atomics is a leading provider of molten salt reactors and has built the first working non-active prototype reactor. This is a waste burner technology designed to burn Spent Nuclear Fuel and in turn reduce the storage time to 300 years.

About National Nuclear Laboratory:
NNL is the UK’s national laboratory responsible for nuclear fission R&D and occupies a unique position in the nuclear innovation environment, taking science from inactive laboratory-scale demonstration to deployment. It is the custodian of unique world-leading nuclear skills, facilities and equipment vital to the UK and aims to support policy and provide long term sustainable value for the UK in four Focus Areas: Clean Energy, Environmental Restoration, Health & Nuclear Medicine, and Nuclear Security & Non-Proliferation.

For media inquiries or more information, please contact:
Copenhagen Atomics, UK
Managing Director, UK: Michael Drury
[email protected]

National Nuclear Laboratory
Communications Manager: Katie Baverstock-Hunt
[email protected]

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