The Institution warmly welcome NIA members and their colleagues to the upcoming Managing Ageing Nuclear Assets and Decommissioning conference.
Whether it be tackling part and technology obsolescence or allocating tight budgets on plants that are no longer operational and tackling complex plant prioritisation methodologies, the problem of nuclear asset management is a broad one.
This year’s conference will address both the challenges of maintaining asset integrity beyond an intended lifecycle and the process of decommissioning including planning, current state evaluation, services procurement, funding, legacy waste and waste disposal.
Technical presentations and case studies will highlight best practice, successful strategies and lessons learned for operators and service providers working on a variety of sites, with input from UK Atomic Energy Authority, Office for Nuclear Regulation, Sellafield Ltd and more.
Discount for members: NIA members can book at the Supporting Organisation rate to save on their places; simply book online or contact the IMechE at [email protected]
Find out more HERE
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