In a bid to ensure young talent integrates seamlessly into the nuclear industry, ES Steel has launched its Welcome to Nuclear programme.

ES Steel, a supply chain partner of Severfield, designed the initiative to bring in workers from similar sectors to meet the demands of the Key Delivery Partner 2 (KDP2) framework on PPP.

KDP2, a £250m body of work providing steelwork, was awarded to Severfield and William Hare Group in February 2023.

Jonathan Law, Managing Director of ES Steel, said:

“We recognised the challenges associated with bridging the skills gap within the nuclear sector, which requires specialist knowledge, expertise, and experience. This often makes it difficult to source new talent that can seamlessly integrate this highly regulated and technically demanding field.

“The Welcome to Nuclear programme was developed and launched to address this gap and pave the way for the next generation of talent at ES Steel.

“It has been designed to supplement our current workforce by bringing in individuals from similar or adjacent sectors and guiding them through the process of adapting to the specific demands of the nuclear sector.

“We support the transition of individuals by addressing key training gaps and providing the learning required to operate safely in the industry.”

ES Steel, which has worked on SIXEP Continuity Plant (SCP) and Sellafield Product and Residue Store Retreatment Plant (SRP), is ensuring new members of its growing workforce are prepared and equipped to meet nuclear sector standards.

The Welcome to Nuclear programme helps people not only gain technical knowledge but also receive hands-on experience, which is vital for becoming fully nuclear suitably qualified and experienced personnel (SQEP).

Toni Davis, Operations Manager, said:

“Our experienced team takes a hands-on approach to managing and supporting the training journey. Using our integrated systems and databases, we track progress and ensure all trainees meet the necessary milestones.

“By overseeing the entire development process, we ensure new entrants are not only compliant with industry standards but also positioned for long-term success within the sector.”

To find out more about the Welcome to Nuclear initiative, and for the latest career opportunities at ES Steel, visit: ES Steel.

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