Academia to Application, building on commonalties across industry
This one-off inter-business group, open to NIA members will explore the links between academia and industry and look at the culture and innovation across the sector. We will explore how as an industry we communicate and engage and how technological developments outside of nuclear can benefit us.
Please find the agenda below:
09:15 – 09.45
Registration and coffee
09.45 – 10.15
General Election Member Update
Tom Greatrex, NIA CEO
10:15 – 10:20
Welcome and Introduction
Chaired by Adrian Bull, Dalton Nuclear Institute
10:20 – 11.05
Fuels and Reactors
The Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme work
- Zara Hodgson, Dalton Nuclear
- Emma Vernon, NNL
- Debbie Breasley, Urenco on HALEU
11.05 – 11:50
- Dr Matthew J. Nancekievill, The University of Manchester
- Adrian Davis-Johnson, Nuvia – How to turn Proof of concepts/pilots into BAU
11:50 – 12:20
Coffee break and networking
12:20 – 13.00
Communication and Engagement
- Amy Shelton, Nuclear Waste Services
- Iolo James, Nuclear Industry Association
- Sarah Brown, STEP
- Bill Hamilton, Nuclear Restoration Services
13.00 – 13.15
Taster session
- SiteAssist, Max Everson
- Ansys, Steve Gormley
13: 15 – 14.15
Lunch break
14:20 – 14:50
Innovation Culture
- Ashley Harshak, Steve Carden Rachel Carmen, PA Consulting
14:50 – 15:00
Workplace culture – survey and research results.
- Hilary Karpinski and Rory Laye – Inclusion and Diversity in Nuclear
15:00 – 15:40
Outside our sector
- Gareth Jones, Ada-Mode
- Professor Gary Jones, Rolls Royce Future Programmes
15.40 – 15.45
Wrap up
Following on from the event the Nuclear Institute will be holding their annual dinner at Manchester United FC. The NIA will have some Pay-your-own-way tables. If you would like to sit on one of these tables please register below and email [email protected] and confirm your attendance so they can send an invoice.
Deadline to register for the dinner will be 17th May!
Please register to attend the event below.
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