Phase A of the Research, Development & Demonstration (RD&D) programme provides funding for 6 pre-FEED (Front End Engineering Design) studies across 2 key technology lots.
Lot 1: Reactor demonstration
4 Pre-FEED studies have been awarded for projects developing advanced modular high temperature gas reactor (HTGR) technologies, with up to £500,000 available for each project. The following 4 organisations were awarded contracts to produce pre-FEED studies for developing advanced modular HTGR technologies as part of Phase A of the AMR RD&D Project:
- EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited
- National Nuclear Laboratory
- U-Battery Developments Ltd
- Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation
EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited
EDF will focus on end-user requirements to determine the reactor design characteristics most suitable for a HTGR demonstration in the 2030s. EDF proposes the Hartlepool Heat Hub as a host site for the UK’s first HTGR demonstration.
National Nuclear Laboratory
NNL will coordinate a UK-Japan team (NNL, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Jacobs) to leverage a proven HTGR baseline from Japan and adopt an innovative approach in its design, build, construction and operation. The project aims to deliver an end-to-end solution that is energy user led while bringing together national and international supply chains.
U-Battery Developments Ltd
U-Battery will determine the optimum size, type, cost, and delivery method for a U-Battery advanced modular reactor demonstration. The U-Battery AMR aims to provide a source of low carbon, locally embedded process heat and power that can displace the use of fossil fuels.
Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation UK
USNC UK’s project will build on USNC’s existing micro modular reactor (MMR) design as a foundation to develop and demonstrate a modified MMR+ design best suited to UK industry’s current and projected future process heat demands. This includes a demonstration of hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production.
Lot 2: Fuel demonstration
The following 2 organisations were awarded contracts to produce pre-FEED studies for developing Coated Particle Fuel (CPF) for HTGR technologies as part of Phase A of the AMR RD&D Project:
- National Nuclear Laboratory
- Springfields Fuels Limited
National Nuclear Laboratory
This project aims to deliver a domestic commercial fuel supply starting with the first fuel load for the HTGR demonstration. NNL, Urenco Limited and JAEA will collectively collaborate to develop coated particle fuel (CPF) to full scale commercialisation, to support HTGR technologies which will bolster UK security of energy supply and enable UK fuel to be delivered to a worldwide export market.
Springfields Fuels Limited
Springfields aims to determine the most effective route for the secure and reliable supply of coated particle fuel, in collaboration with Urenco Limited, to support the range of potential HTGR technologies which may come forward in the UK. This study will focus on UCO-kernel TRISO as the standard CPF fuel type for contemporary HTGR designs but will design the facility for maximum flexibility to manufacture a wide range of variations on this fuel.