The First Fusion Business Group meeting of 2024!

We will be heading to Manchester on Thursday 28 March 2024 to be hosted by Accenture at their offices for the fusion business group meeting.

The theme of discussion for the day is Action, Not Words’ and aims to hear about the work that is currently being done in the industry to engage more interest in the industry, as well and outreach programmes and engagement with young people.

280324 Delegate List HUB

28.03 Agenda HUB


Pay-Your-Own-Way Dinner – Wednesday 27 March

Date: Wednesday 27 March
Time: Arrival from 19:15, sit down for 19:30
Venue: Akbar’s, Manchester
Cost: £49.50pp – Including VAT, 3 course meal, 1/2 bottle of wine (or equivalent), and service.

Payment by 20 March.

If you require an invoice to pay via BACS, please email [email protected]. If you would prefer to pay by card, please call Sandra on 020 7766 6644 between the hours of 09:30 – 16:30 (note credit card payments incur a 2.5% charge).

If you have any dietary requirements, please let me know!